NeuroIS Literature

On this page we provide a starting point for the NeuroIS literature. If you think something is missing, please let us know by sending us an e-mail.

Adam, M. T. P., Gamer, M., Krämer, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2011). Measuring emotions in electronic markets. ICIS 2011 Proceedings.

Adam, M. T. P., Gimpel, H., Maedche, A., & Riedl, R. (2017). Design blueprint for stress-sensitive adaptive enterprise systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59(4), 277–291.

Adam, M. T. P., Gregor, S., Hevner, A., & Morana, S. (2021). Design science research modes in human-computer interaction projects. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 13(1), 1–11.

Adam, M. T. P., Krämer, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2012). Excitement up! Price down! Measuring emotions in Dutch auctions. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17(2), 7–40.

Almeida, A. T. de, & Roselli, L. R. P. (2017). Visualization for decision support in FITradeoff method: Exploring its evaluation with cognitive neuroscience. In I. Linden, S. Liu, & C. Colot (Eds.): Decision Support Systems VII. Data, Information and Knowledge Visualization in Decision Support Systems Third International Conference, ICDSST 2017, Namur, Belgium, May 29-31, 2017, Proceedings (Vol. 282, pp. 61–73). Cham: Springer.

Anderson, B. B., Eargle, D., Jenkins, J. L., Kirwan, C. B., & Vance, A. O. (2015). The impact of technostress on users’ responses to security warnings: A NeuroIS study. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.

Anderson, B. B., Vance, A. O., & Eargle, D. (2013). Is your susceptibility to phishing dependent on your memory? WISP 2012 Proceedings, 40.

Anderson, B. B., Vance, A. O., Kirwan, C. B., Eargle, D., & Howard, S. (2014). Users aren’t (necessarily) lazy: Using NeuroIS to explain habituation to security warnings. ICIS 2014 Proceedings.

Anderson, B. B., Vance, A. O., Kirwan, C. B., Jenkins, J. L., & Eargle, D. (2016). From warning to wallpaper: Why the brain habituates to security warnings and what can be done about it. Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(3), 713–743.

Anderson, B. B., Jenkins, J. L., Vance, A., Kirwan, C. B., & Eargle, D. (2016). Your memory is working against you: How eye tracking and memory explain habituation to security warnings. Decision Support Systems. Advance online publication.

Anderson, B., Vance, A., Kirwan, C. B., Eargle, D., & Jenkins, J. L. (2016). How users perceive and respond to security messages: A NeuroIS research agenda and empirical study. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(4), 364–390.

Astor, P. J., Adam, M. T. P., Jerčić, P., Schaaff, K., & Weinhardt, C. (2013). Integrating biosignals into information systems: A NeuroIS tool for improving emotion regulation. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(3), 247–278.

Bačić, D. (2017). Understanding business dashboard design user impact: Triangulation approach using eyetracking, facial expression, galvanic skin response and EEG sensors. AMCIS 2017 Proceedings.

Bačić, D. (2024). Exploring the impact of Gestalt laws of human perception in business information visualization context: An eye-tracking study. MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention 2024 Proceedings.

Bačić, D. (2024). Infusing biosensors and biometric data into business school undergraduate curriculum: Quinlan school of business case study. AMCIS 2024 TREOs.

Bačić, D., & Gilstrap, C. (2024). Predicting video virality and viewer engagement: A biometric data and machine learning approach. Behaviour & Information Technology, 43(12), 2854-2880.

Bačić, D., & Henry, R. (2022). Advancing our understanding and assessment of cognitive effort in the cognitive fit theory and data visualization context: Eye tracking-based approach. Decision Support Systems, 163, 113862.

Bačić, D., & Henry, R. M. (2018). Task-representation fit’s impact on cognitive effort in the context of decision timeliness and accuracy: A cognitive fit perspective. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 10(3), 164–187.

Bačić, D., Krbanjevic, A., & Jukić, N. (2023). Exploring pie charts and part-to-whole alternatives: Eye-tracking approach. MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention 2023 Proceedings.

Bahr, G. S., & Ford, R. A. (2011). How and why pop-ups don’t work: Pop-Up prompted eye movements, user affect and decision making. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 776–783.

Bailey, B. P., & Iqbal, S. T. (2008). Understanding changes in mental workload during execution of goaldirected tasks and its application for interruption management. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 14(4), 1–28.

Bansal, G., & Nies, E. (2018). Shipping and return-shipping costs do not cost the same: The role of gender and product price in online buying. MWAIS 2018 Proceedings.

Barral, O., Kosunen, I., & Jacucci, G. (2018). No need to laugh out Loud: Predicting humor appraisal of comic strips based on physiological signals in a realistic environment. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 24(6), 1–29.

Barros, V., & Ramos, I. (2015). Using social media as organizational memory consolidation mechanism according to attention based view theory. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.

Baskerville, R., Kaul, M., & Storey, V. C. (2017). Establishing reliability in design science research. ICIS 2017 Proceedings.

Baumgart, T. L., Klesel, M., Oschinsky, F. M., & Niehaves, B. (2020). Creativity loading – Please wait! Investigating the relationship between interruption, mind wandering and creativity. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020.

Baumgartl, H., & Buettner, R. (2020). Development of a highly precise place recognition module for effective human-robot interactions in changing lighting and viewpoint conditions. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020.

Baumgartl, H., Dikici, F., Sauter, D., & Buettner, R. (2020). Detecting antisocial personality disorder using a novel machine learning algorithm based on electroencephalographic data. PACIS 2020 Proceedings.

Baumgartl, H., Fezer, E., & Buettner, R. (2020). Two-Level classification of chronic stress using machine learning on resting-state EEG recordings. AMCIS 2020 Proceedings.

Becker, J., vom Brocke, J., Heddier, M., & Seidel, S. (2015). In search of information systems (grand) challenges – A community of inquirers perspective. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(6), 377–390.

Benbasat, I. (2010). HCI research: Future challenges and directions. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(2), 16–21.

Benbasat, I., Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P. A., & Qiu, L. (2010). Incorporating social presence in the design of the anthropomorphic interface of recommendation agents: Insights from an fMRI study. ICIS 2010 Proceedings, 228.

Benke, I., Heinzl, A., & Maedche, A. (2021). The relationship of collaboration technologies and cognition and affect. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021.

Bera, P. (2014). Do distracting dashboards matter? Evidence from an eye tracking study. In S. Wrycza (Ed.), Information Systems: Education, Applications, Research: 7th SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium 2014, Gdańsk, Poland, September 25, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 193, pp. 65–74). Cham: Springer

Bera, P. (2016). How colors in business dashboards affect users’ decision making. Communications of the ACM, 59(4), 50–57.

Bera, P., Soffer, P., & Parsons, J. (2019). Using eye tracking to expose cognitive processes in understanding conceptual models. MIS Quarterly, 43(4), 1105–1126.

Bhandari, U., & Chang, K. T. T. (2014). Role of emotions and aesthetics in ICT usage for underserved communities: A NeuroIS investigation. ICIS 2014 Proceedings.

Bhandari, U., Chua, W. Y., Chang, K. T. T., & Neben, T. (2015). Follow your heart or mind? Measuring neurophysiological responses and subjective judgments for visual aesthetics. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.

Bina, S., Graue, W., Jones, D. R., Kaskela, T., & Walden, E. A. (2017). Discovery of the optimal visualization for representing three dimensions of data using functional magnetic resonance imaging. ICIS 2017 Proceedings.

Brendel, A. B., Greulich, R. S., Niederman, F., & Trang, S. T.-N. (2020). Towards a greater diversity of replication studies. AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 6(20), 1–15.

Browne, G. J., & Walden, E. A. (2020). Is there a genetic basis for information search propensity? A genotyping experiment. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 747–770.

Bruckes, M., Westmattelmann, D., Oldeweme, A., & Schewe, G. (2019). Determinants and barriers of adopting robo-advisory services. ICIS 2019 Proceedings.

Budu, J., Akakpol, P. K., & Boateng, R. (2018). Completed research: Preliminary insights into the impact of digital platforms for music. SAIS 2018 Proceedings.

Buettner, R. (2015). Towards a new personal information technology acceptance model: Conceptualization and empirical evidence from a bring your own device dataset. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.

Buettner, R. (2016a). A user’s cognitive workload perspective in negotiation support systems: an eye-tracking experiment. PACIS 2016 Proceedings.

Buettner, R. (2016b). Innovative personality-based digital services. PACIS 2016 Proceedings.

Buettner, R. (2016c). Personality as a predictor of business social media usage: An empirical investigation of Xing usage patterns. PACIS 2016 Proceedings.

Buettner, R. (2017). Asking both the user’s brain and its owner using subjective and objective psychophysiological NeuroIS instruments. ICIS 2017 Proceedings.

Buettner, R. (2018). Robust user identification based on facial action units unaffected by users’ emotions. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018.

Buettner, R., & Baumgartl, H. (2019). A highly effective deep learning based escape route recognition module for autonomous robots in crisis and emergency situations. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2019.

Buettner, R., Beil, D., Scholtz, S., & Djemai, A. (2020). Development of a machine learning based algorithm to accurately detect schizophrenia based on one-minute EEG recordings. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020.

Buettner, R., Buechele, M., Grimmeisen, B., & Ulrich, P. (2021). Machine learning based diagnostics of developmental coordination disorder using electroencephalographic data. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021.

Buettner, R., Frick, J., & Rieg, T. (2019). High-performance detection of epilepsy in seizure-free EEG recordings: A novel machine learning approach using very specific epileptic EEG sub-bands. ICIS 2019 Proceedings.

Buettner, R., Sauer, S., Maier, C., & Eckhardt, A. (2015). Towards Ex Ante prediction of user performance: A novel NeuroIS methodology based on real-time measurement of mental effort. In T. X. Bui & R. H. Sprague (Eds.), Proceedings of HICSS 2015 (pp. 533–542). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Buettner, R., Sauer, S., Maier, C., & Eckhardt, A. (2018). Real-time prediction of user performance based on pupillary assessment via eye-tracking. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 10(1), 26–56.

Califf, C., & Martin, T. (2016). Rethinking technostress: A transactional approach through affordances. AMCIS 2016 Proceedings.

Carroll, N. (2021). Augmented intelligence: An actor-network theory perspective. ECIS 2021 Proceedings.

Carter, M., Petter, S., & Randolph, A. B. (2015). Desperately seeking information in information systems research. ICIS 2015 Proceedings.

Caya, O., Brunelle, É., Léger, P.-M., & Grebot, T. (2012). An empirical study on emotions, knowledge management processes, and performance within integrated business process teams. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of HICSS 2012 (pp. 514–524). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Chen, D.-N., & Jhang, Z.-L. (2017). A personal book recommendation system based on brainwave analysis. SIGHCI 2017 Proceedings.

Chen, S., & Epps, J. (2014). Using task-induced pupil diameter and blink rate to infer cognitive load. Human– Computer Interaction, 29(4), 390–413

Chung, R., & Galletta, D. F. (2013). Genetic basis of behavioral security. SIGHCI 2013 Proceedings, 9.

Cipresso, P., Serino, S., Gaggioli, A., Albani, G., Mauro, A., & Riva, G. (2015). Psychometric modeling of the pervasive use of Facebook through psychophysiological measures: Stress or optimal experience? Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 576–587.

Clayton, R. B., Leshner, G., & Almond, A. (2015). The extended iSelf: The impact of iPhone separation on cognition, emotion, and physiology. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(2), 119–135.

Cole, M. J., Hendahewa, C., Belkin, N. J., & Shah, C. (2015). User activity patterns during information search.ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 33(1), 1–39.

Collier, R., & Randolph, A. B. (2015). Wearable technologies for healthcare innovation. SAIS 2015 Proceedings.

Comesaña, M., Soares, A. P., Perea, M., Piñeiro, A. P., Fraga, I., & Pinheiro, A. (2013). ERP correlates of masked affective priming with emoticons. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 588–595.

Conrad, C. D., & Bliemel, M. (2016). Psychophysiological measures of cognitive absorption and cognitive load in e-learning applications. ICIS 2016 Proceedings.

Cremer, S. (2017). Predicting popularity of hedonic digital content via artificial intelligence imagery analysis of thumbnails. PACIS 2017 Proceedings.

Crk, I., Kluthe, T., & Stefik, A. (2016). Understanding programming expertise: An empirical study of phasic brain wave changes. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 23(1), 1–29.

Cyr, D., Head, M., Larios, H., & Pan, B. (2009). Exploring human images in website design: A multi method approach. MIS Quarterly, 33(3), 539–566.

Darban, M. (2015). Emotional foundations of individual’s perception: The case of technology radicalness. ICIS 2015 Proceedings.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., & Hevner, A. (2014). Towards a NeuroIS research methodology: Intensifying the discussion on methods, tools, and measurement. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(10), I–XXXV.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., Brocke, J. vom, Léger, P.-M., & Randolph, A. B. (2015). Information systems and neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015 (Vol. 10). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., & Randolph, A. B. (2017). Information systems and neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2016 (Vol. 16). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., & Randolph, A. B. (2018). Information systems and neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2017 (Vol. 25). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., & Randolph, A. B. (2019). Information systems and neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2018 (Vol. 29). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., Randolph, A. B., & Fischer, T. (2020). Information systems and neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2019 (Vol. 32). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., Randolph, A. B., & Fischer, T. (2020). Information systems and neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2020 (Vol. 43). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., Randolph, A. B., & Müller-Putz, G. R. (2021). Information systems and neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2021 (Vol. 52). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., Randolph, A. B., & Müller-Putz, G. R. (2022). Information systems and neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2022 (Vol. 58). Springer, Cham.

Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P.-M., Randolph, A. B., & Müller-Putz, G. R. (2024). Information systems and neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2023 (Vol. 68). Springer, Cham.

Degirmenci, K. (2017). Serious games for eco-effective transformations. ICIS 2017 Proceedings.

Deng, Q., Wang, Y., & Ji, S. (2017). Design science research in information systems: A systematic literature review 2001-2015. CONF-IRM 2017 Proceedings.

Deng, W., Huang, X., Yuan, H., Ma, J., & Wang, G. (2020). Analysis of topics, theories, and methods of information systems research in the past two decades: A knowledge graph approach. PACIS 2020 Proceedings.

Dennis, A. R., Bhagwatwar, A., & Minas, R. K. (2013). Play for performance: Using computer word games to improve test-taking performance. Journal of Information Systems Education, 24(3), 223.

Derrick, D., Jenkins, J. L., & Nunamaker, J. (2011). Design principles for special purpose, embodied, conversational intelligence with environmental sensors (SPECIES) agents. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(2), 62–81.

Dimoka, A. (2009). NeuroIS: How to conduct a neuroimaging study to inform information systems research. AMCIS 2009 Proceedings, 502.

Dimoka, A. (2010). What does the brain tell us about trust and distrust? Evidence from a functional neuroimaging study. MIS Quarterly, 34(2), 373–396.

Dimoka, A. (2010b). Tutorial on the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in IS research. AMCIS 2010 Proceedings, 196.

Dimoka, A. (2012). How to conduct a functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) study in social science research. MIS Quarterly, 36(3), 811–840.

Dimoka, A., & Davis, F. D. (2008). Where does TAM reside in the brain? The neural mechanisms underlying technology adoption. ICIS 2008 Proceedings, 169.

Dimoka, A., Bagozzi, R., Banker, R. D., Brynjolfsson, E., Davis, F. D., Gupta, A., & Riedl, R. (2009). NeuroIS: Hype or hope? ICIS 2009 Proceedings, 133.

Dimoka, A., Banker, R. D., Benbasat, I., Davis, F. D., Dennis, A. R., Gefen, D., Gupta, A., Ischebeck, A., Kenning, P., Pavlou, P. A., Müller-Putz, G. R., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., & Weber, B. (2012). On the use of neurophysiological tools in IS research: Developing a research agenda for NeuroIS. MIS Quarterly, 36(3), 679–702.

Dimoka, A., Benbasat, I., Lim, K., Straub, D. W., & Walden, E. A. (2010). NeuroIS: Challenges and solutions. ICIS 2010 Proceedings, 201.

Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P. A., & Davis, F. D. (2007). Neuro IS: The potential of cognitive neuroscience for information systems research. ICIS 2007 Proceedings, 122.

Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P. A., & Davis, F. D. (2011). Research commentary-NeuroIS: The potential of cognitive neuroscience for information systems research. Information Systems Research, 22(4), 687–702.

Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P. A., Benbasat, I., & Qiu, L. (2010). 14P. application of neuroimaging methods in IS research: An fMRI study of online recommendation agents. CONF-IRM 2010 Proceeding, 4.

Djamasbi, S. (2014). Eye tracking and web experience. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(2), 37–54.

Djamasbi, S., Hall-Phillips, A., & Yang, R. (2013). An examination of ads and viewing behavior: An eye tracking study on desktop and mobile devices. AMCIS 2013 Proceedings.

Djamasbi, S., Mehta, D., & Samani, A. (2012). Eye movements, perceptions, and performance. AMCIS 2012 Proceedings.

Djamasbi, S., Siegel, M., & Tullis, T. (2012). Designing noticeable bricklets by tracking users’ eye movements. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of HICSS 2012 (pp. 525–532). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Djamasbi, S., Siegel, M., & Tullis, T. (2012). Faces and viewing behavior: An exploratory investigation. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(3), 190–211.

Djamasbi, S., Siegel, M., & Tullis, T. (2014). Can fixation on main images predict visual appeal of homepages? In T. X. Bui & R. H. Sprague (Eds.), Proceedings of HICSS 2014 (pp. 371–375). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Djamasbi, S., Siegel, M., Skorinko, J., & Tullis, T. (2011). Online viewing and aesthetic preferences of Generation Y and the Baby Boom Generation: Testing user web site experience through eye tracking. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 15(4), 121–157.

Djamasbi, S., Siegel, M., Tullis, T., & Dai, R. (2010). Efficiency, trust, and visual appeal: Usability testing through eye tracking. In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of HICSS 2010 (pp. 1–10). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Dogusoy-Taylan, B., & Cagiltay, K. (2014). Cognitive analysis of experts’ and novices’ concept mapping processes: An eye tracking study. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 82–93.

Dumont, L., El Mouderrib, S., Théoret, H., Sénécal, S., & Léger, P.-M. (2018). Non-invasive brain stimulation as a set of research tools in NeuroIS: Opportunities and methodological considerations. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 43(5), 78–100.

Dunaway, M. M., & Steelman, Z. (2013). IS cognitive load: An examination of measurement convergence. SIGHCI 2013 Proceedings, 10.Durner, V. (2016). A picture vs. 1,000 words: Threat visualization and verbalization in information security fear appeals. WISP 2016 Proceedings, 5.

Eargle, D., Galletta, D. F., & Jenkins, J. L. (2016). What’s it worth to you? Applying risk tradeoff paradigms to explain user interactions with interruptive security messages. WISP 2016 Proceedings.

Eargle, D., Galletta, D. F., Kirwan, C. B., Vance, A. O., & Jenkins, J. L. (2016). Integrating facial cues of threat into security warnings–An fMRI and field study. AMCIS 2016 Proceedings, 22.

Eckhardt, A., Maier, C., & Buettner, R. (2012). The influence of pressure to perform and experience on changing perceptions and user performance: A multi-method experimental analysis. ICIS 2012 Proceedings.

Eckhardt, A., Maier, C., Hsieh, J. J. P.-A., Chuk, T., Chan, A., Hsiao, J., & Buettner, R. (2013). Objective measures of IS usage behavior under conditions of experience and pressure using eye fixation data. ICIS 2013 Proceedings.

Etco, M., Sénécal, S., Léger, P.-M., & Fredette, M. (2017). The influence of online search behavior on consumers’ decision-making heuristics. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57(4), 344–352.

Fadel, K. J., Meservy, T. O., & Jensen, M. L. (2015). Exploring knowledge filtering processes in electronic networks of practice. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(4), 158–181.

Fadel, K. J., Meservy, T. O., & Kirwan, C. B. (2018). Expectation disconfirmation in ENP information filtering: An fMRI experiment. AMCIS 2018 Proceedings.

Fehrenbacher, D. D. (2017). Affect infusion and detection through faces in computer-mediated knowledge-sharing decisions. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(10), 703–726.

Fehrenbacher, D. D., & Djamasbi, S. (2017). Information systems and task demand: An exploratory pupillometry study of computerized decision making. Decision Support Systems, 97, 1–11.

Fehrenbacher, D. D., & Smith, S. (2014). Behavioural affect and cognitive effects of time-pressure and justification requirement in software acquisition: Evidence from an eye-tracking experiment. AMCIS 2014 Proceedings.

Fehrenbacher, D. D., & Tracy, L. (2016). Gaze behaviour, motivational factors, and knowledge sharing. ICIS 2016 Proceedings.

Feldmann, N., Adam, M. T. P., & Bauer, M. (2014). Using seroius games for idea assessment in service innovation. ECIS 2014 Proceedings.

Fischer, T., & Riedl, R. (2015). Theorizing technostress in organizations: A cybernetic approach. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2015 Proceedings, 1453–1467.

Fischer, T., & Riedl, R. (2017). Technostress research: A nurturing ground for measurement pluralism? Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 40(1), 375–401.

Fu, S., Vreede, G.-J. de, Cheng, X., Seeber, I., Maier, R., & Weber, B. (2017). Convergence of crowdsourcing ideas: A cognitive load perspective. ICIS 2017 Proceedings.

Galliers, R. D., & Stein, M.-K. (2018). Information systems: To be, or not to be, a science? Is that the question? Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 43(12), 197–204.

Galluch, P., Grover, V., & Thatcher, J. (2015). Interrupting the workplace: Examining stressors in an information technology context. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(1), 1–47.

Gaskin, J., Jenkins, J. L., Meservy, T. O., Steffen, J., & Payne, K. (2017). Using wearable devices for non-invasive, inexpensive physiological data collection. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2017.

Gefen, D., Ayaz, H., & Onaral, B. (2014). Applying functional near infrared (fNIR) spectroscopy to enhance MIS research. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(3), 55–73.

George, J. F. (2017). The future of academic MIS: Redux. Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems, 1(2), 9–18.

Gier, N. R., Kurz, J., & Kenning, P. (2020). Online reviews as marketing placebo? First insights from Neuro-Is utilising fNIRS. ECIS 2020 Proceedings.

Gimpel, H., Adam, M. T. P., & Teubner, T. (2013). Emotion regulation in management: Harnessing the potential of NeuroIS tools. ICIS 2013 Proceedings.

Gimpel, H., Regal, C., & Schmidt, M. (2015). myStress: Unobtrusive smartphone-based stress detection. ECIS 2015 Proceedings.

Gimpel, H., Regal, C., & Schmidt, M. (2019a). Design knowledge on mobile stress assessment. ICIS 2019 Proceedings.

Gimpel, H., Regal, C., & Schmidt, M. (2019b). Life-integrated stress assessment. ECIS 2019 Proceedings.

Giroux, F., Poirier, S.-M., Sénécal, S., & Léger, P.-M. (2021). Choosing the right frame shape for food product presentation in online retail settings: A NeuroIS study. ICIS 2021 Proceedings.

Gleasure, R. (2014). Using distractor images in web design to increase content familiarity: A NeuroIS perspective. ICIS 2014 Proceedings.

Gleasure, R., & Grace, A. (2016). Designing an artefact to help users make intervention decisions about their wellness. Journal of Decision Systems, 25(sup1), 261–273.

Gleasure, R., Feller, J., & O’Flaherty, B. (2012). Human-centred design: Existing approaches and a future research argenda. ECIS 2012 Proceedings, 105.

Goes, P. (2013). Editor’s comments: Information systems research and behavioral economics. MIS Quarterly, 37(3), iii–viii.

Goggins, S. P., Schmidt, M., Guajardo, J., & Moore, J. (2010). Assessing multiple perspectives in three dimensional virtual worlds: Eye tracking and all views qualitative analysis (AVQA). In R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of HICSS 2010 (pp. 1–10). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

González-Cabrera, J., Calvete, E., León-Mejía, A., Pérez-Sancho, C., & Peinado, J. M. (2017). Relationship between cyberbullying roles, cortisol secretion and psychological stress. Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 153–160.

Gregor, S., & Klein, G. (2014). Eight obstacles to overcome in the theory testing genre. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(11), I–XIX.

Gregor, S., Lin, A. C. H., Gedeon, T., Riaz, A., & Zhu, D. (2014). Neuroscience and a nomological network for the understanding and assessment of emotions in information systems research. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(4), 13–48.

Grimes, M., Jenkins, J. L., & Valacich, J. S. (2013). Exploring the effect of arousal and valence on mouse interaction. ICIS 2013 Proceedings, 4.

Gross, J., Breitenbach, J., Baumgartl, H., & Buettner, R. (2021). High-performance detection of corneal ulceration using image classification with convolutional neural networks. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021.

Gross, J., Groiss, N., Rieg, T., Baumgartl, H., & Buettner, R. (2021). High-performance detection of mild cognitive impairment using resting-state EEG signals located in broca’s area: A machine learning approach. AMCIS 2021 Proceedings.

Gross, J., Mesgun, F., Frick, J., Baumgartl, H., & Buettner, R. (2021). Machine learning-based detection of high trait anxiety using frontal asymmetry characteristics in resting-state EEG recordings. PACIS 2021 Proceedings.

Großer, B., & Baumöl, U. (2017). Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 5(4), 21–35.

Grummeck-Braamt, J.-V., Nastjuk, I., Najmaei, A., & Adam, M. T. P. (2021). A bibliometric review of technostress: Historical roots, evolution and central publications of a growing research field. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021.

Hannemann, F., Pröllochs, N., Alfano, S., & Neumann, D. (2018). Noise trader behavior – A disaggregated approach to understanding news reception in financial markets. ECIS 2018 Proceedings.

Hariharan, A., Adam, M. T. P., & Fuong, K. (2014). Towards understanding the interplay of cognitive demand and arousal in action bidding. ECIS 2014 Proceedings.

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